How To Install FreeIPA Client on Fedora 35

In this article, we will learn how to install and configure freeipa client on Fedora 35.

This integrations allow a System Administrator to conveniently configure the server centrally, on the FreeIPA server. When a management command is executed on the Client machine, the FreeIPA client sends it to the server where it is executed.

# Prerequisites

To follow along, ensure you have the following

  • An updated Fedora 35 server/Workstation
  • An IPA Server that the client will join
  • Sudo access to the server or user with sudo access
  • Internet access from the sever

# Table of Content

  1. Installing FreeIPA packages
  2. Setting up the Client
  3. Enable Creation of home directories on the first Login
  4. Test Client Addition
  5. Using FreeIPA ipa Command Line Management Tool
  6. Enable Passwordless Authentication using Private Key
  7. Removing Rocky Linux/Alma Linux IPA Client

# 1. Installing FreeIPA packages

On Fedora 35 Server/Workstation, the FreeIPA client is available in the default repos as

freeipa-client. Search using this command:

sudo dnf search freeipa-client

Install FreeIPA Client packages using this command.

sudo dnf -y install freeipa-client

Confirm client addition using the rpm -qi commannd

$ rpm -qi freeipa-client
Name        : freeipa-client
Version     : 4.9.7
Release     : 2.fc35
Architecture: x86_64
Install Date: Sat 13 Nov 2021 08:22:50 AM UTC
Group       : Unspecified
Size        : 242563
License     : GPLv3+
Signature   : RSA/SHA256, Fri 15 Oct 2021 07:13:26 PM UTC, Key ID db4639719867c58f
Source RPM  : freeipa-4.9.7-2.fc35.src.rpm
Build Date  : Fri 15 Oct 2021 06:59:37 PM UTC
Build Host  :
Packager    : Fedora Project
Vendor      : Fedora Project
URL         :
Bug URL     :
Summary     : IPA authentication for use on clients
Description :
IPA is an integrated solution to provide centrally managed Identity (users,
hosts, services), Authentication (SSO, 2FA), and Authorization
(host access control, SELinux user roles, services). The solution provides
features for further integration with Linux based clients (SUDO, automount)
and integration with Active Directory based infrastructures (Trusts).
If your network uses IPA for authentication, this package should be
installed on every client machine.
This package provides command-line tools for IPA administrators.

# 2. Seting up client

Once the installation of the FreeIPA Client packages is complete. Add hostname and IP address of your IPA Server to **/etc/hosts **file if you don’t have a working DNS resolution.

echo "" | sudo tee /etc/hosts

Set your system hostname.

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname

We can then setup client with specifying FreeIPA server and domain name

sudo ipa-client-install --domain

You can also add more arguments specifying the ipa client hostname, server, domain and realm like in this example.

sudo ipa-client-install \
 --mkhomedir \ \
 --domain \

This is my output. You should see something similar to this

$ sudo ipa-client-install --domain
This program will set up IPA client.
Version 4.9.7

Autodiscovery of servers for failover cannot work with this configuration.
If you proceed with the installation, services will be configured to always access the discovered server for all operations and will not fail over to other servers in case of failure.
Proceed with fixed values and no DNS discovery? [no]: yes
Do you want to configure chrony with NTP server or pool address? [no]: no
Client hostname:
DNS Domain:
IPA Server:
BaseDN: dc=ipa,dc=citizix,dc=com

Continue to configure the system with these values? [no]: yes
Synchronizing time
No SRV records of NTP servers found and no NTP server or pool address was provided.
Using default chrony configuration.
Attempting to sync time with chronyc.
Time synchronization was successful.
User authorized to enroll computers: admin
Password for admin@IPA.CITIZIX.COM:
Successfully retrieved CA cert
    Subject:     CN=Certificate Authority,O=IPA.CITIZIX.COM
    Issuer:      CN=Certificate Authority,O=IPA.CITIZIX.COM
    Valid From:  2021-11-09 05:42:01
    Valid Until: 2041-11-09 05:42:01

Enrolled in IPA realm IPA.CITIZIX.COM
Created /etc/ipa/default.conf
Configured sudoers in /etc/authselect/user-nsswitch.conf
Configured /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
Configured /etc/krb5.conf for IPA realm IPA.CITIZIX.COM
Systemwide CA database updated.
Hostname ( does not have A/AAAA record.
Failed to update DNS records.
Missing A/AAAA record(s) for host
Incorrect reverse record(s): is pointing to instead of
Adding SSH public key from /etc/ssh/
Adding SSH public key from /etc/ssh/
Adding SSH public key from /etc/ssh/
Adding SSH public key from /etc/ssh/
Could not update DNS SSHFP records.
SSSD enabled
Configured /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
Configured /etc/ssh/ssh_config
Configured /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/04-ipa.conf
Configuring as NIS domain.
Client configuration complete.
The ipa-client-install command was successful

# 3. Enable Creation of home directories on the first Login

If user’s home directory are not created automatically, enable this feature by running the command below. This will create home directory at initial login.

$ sudo authselect enable-feature with-mkhomedir
Make sure that SSSD service is configured and enabled. See SSSD documentation for more information.

- with-mkhomedir is selected, make sure pam_oddjob_mkhomedir module
  is present and oddjobd service is enabled and active
  - systemctl enable --now oddjobd.service

$ sudo systemctl enable --now oddjobd
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/oddjobd.service.

# 4. Test Client addition

To test that the client was added successfully, let us login with a user in freeipa. If its the first time you are logging in, you should see a password change prompt else you will see this:

$ ssh etowett@
(etowett@ Password:
Last login: Sat Nov 13 08:29:12 2021 from

[etowett@fedora-client ~]$

# 5. Using FreeIPA ipa Command Line Management Tool

You can administer FreeIPA Server from the client machine using ipa command line tool.

First, obtain a Kerberos ticket.

$ kinit admin
Password for admin@IPA.CITIZIX.COM:

Check ticket expiry information using klist.

$ klist
Ticket cache: KCM:1000
Default principal: admin@IPA.CITIZIX.COM

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
11/12/2021 21:27:59  11/13/2021 21:27:47  krbtgt/IPA.CITIZIX.COM@IPA.CITIZIX.COM

Test by adding a user account and listing accounts present:

$ sudo ipa user-add kip \
     --first=Kipkoech \
     --last=Towett \ \

Enter Password again to verify:
Added user "kip"
  User login: kip
  First name: Kipkoech
  Last name: Towett
  Full name: Kipkoech Towett
  Display name: Kipkoech Towett
  Initials: KT
  Home directory: /home/kip
  GECOS: Kipkoech Towett
  Login shell: /bin/bash
  Principal name: kip@IPA.CITIZIX.COM
  Principal alias: kip@IPA.CITIZIX.COM
  User password expiration: 20211112183007Z
  Email address:
  UID: 1063800003
  GID: 1063800003
  Password: True
  Member of groups: ipausers
  Kerberos keys available: True


$ ipa user-find kip
1 user matched
  User login: kip
  First name: Kipkoech
  Last name: Towett
  Home directory: /home/kip
  Login shell: /bin/bash
  Principal name: kip@IPA.CITIZIX.COM
  Principal alias: kip@IPA.CITIZIX.COM
  Email address:
  UID: 1063800003
  GID: 1063800003
  Account disabled: False
Number of entries returned 1

# 6. Enable Passwordless Authentication using Private Key

If you would like to authenticate to a server without a password, copy your Public key to FreeIPA Server. In the User profile, click the **Add **button under “SSH public keys“, paste your public key into the box and save.

# 7. Removing Fedora 35 IPA Client

Removal of FreeIPA client on Rocky Linux/Alma Linux 8 can be done by running the command:

$ sudo ipa-client-install  --uninstall

# Conclusion

In this guide, we managed to install and set up FreeIPA client on a Fedora 35.

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