Kubernetes Ingresses allow you to flexibly route traffic from outside your Kubernetes cluster to Services inside of your cluster.
Related content:
- How to create a Kubernetes TLS/SSL Secret
- How to Setup Prometheus Monitoring On Kubernetes Cluster
- How To Create and use a Self-Signed SSL Certificate for Apache
- Getting started with Kubernetes – Kubernetes Components
- Working with Kubernetes Jobs and Cronjobs
Setting up Ingress in AWS
In AWS we use a Network load balancer (NLB) to expose the NGINX Ingress controller behind a Service of Type=LoadBalancer.
Verify installation
Cert Manager
cert-manager runs within your Kubernetes cluster as a series of deployment resources. It utilizes CustomResourceDefinitions to configure Certificate Authorities and request certificates.
Installing with Helm
Please ensure helm v3 is installed.
Create the namespace for cert-manager:
Add the Jetstack Helm repository:
cert-manager requires a number of CRD resources to be installed into your cluster as part of installation.
To automatically install and manage the CRDs as part of your Helm release, you must add the –set installCRDs=true flag to your Helm installation command.
To install the cert-manager Helm chart:
Verifying the installation
Once you’ve installed cert-manager, you can verify it is deployed correctly by checking the cert-manager namespace for running pods:
You should see the cert-manager, cert-manager-cainjector, and cert-manager-webhook pod in a Running state.
The following steps will confirm that cert-manager is set up correctly and able to issue basic certificate types.
Create an Issuer to test the webhook works okay.
Create the test resources.
Check the status of the newly created certificate. You may need to wait a few seconds before cert-manager processes the certificate request.
Clean up the test resources.
Configuring your first Issuer
Before you can begin issuing certificates, you must configure at least one Issuer or ClusterIssuer resource in your cluster.
Use this to create a cluster issuer.
Then apply the changes
Check the resources